Board of Directors

Martin Helean

Martin Helean

Non-Executive Chairman

Martin has more than 30 years’ experience in senior management roles across mining, exploration, manufacturing, and construction industries, both within Australia and internationally. Experienced in contract negotiations with an emphasis on running lean and productive businesses, Martin is results oriented with the ability to translate business goals and objectives into plans and strategies. Martin is currently Managing Director and CEO of Great Dirt Resources Ltd.

Mr Aidan Platel

Mr Aidan Platel

Non-Executive Director

Mr Platel is an experienced geologist and mining executive with over 25 years’ experience in the minerals industry. He has a broad skill set covering exploration, study execution, project development, mining, mineral processing and corporate financing within the minerals and mining service sectors. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree (Honours in Geology) from UWA and has a Master of Business Administration from the Curtin Graduate School of Business.

Mr Platel has held numerous executive and non-executive director roles in ASX listed exploration companies over his career. He has a proven track-record of exploration success, having helped discover and develop several major deposits including the world-class Santa Rita Nickel deposit (1Mt+ contained Ni metal) in Brazil. Mr Platel is currently Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Charger Metals NL and Non-Executive Director of Olympio Metals Ltd.

Mr Dan Smith

Mr Dan Smith

Non-Executive Director & Company Secretary

Mr Smith has 15 years’ experience in financial markets, including 10 years’ experience with listing rules compliance and corporate governance. He is a director and co-founder of Minerva Corporate Pty Ltd, a boutique corporate services and advisory firm.

Mr. Smith is a fellow member of the Governance Institute of Australia and holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from Curtin University. Mr Smith is Chairman of ASX listed rare earths explorer DY6 Limited and acts as company secretary for a number of ASX, AIM and NSX listed companies.

Senior Management

Ms Cintia Maia

Ms Cintia Maia

Company Administrator, Brazil

Ms Cintia Maia is Manager, Corporate and director of the Company’s Brazilian operating subsidiary, Ceará Litio Mineração Ltda. Ms Maia is an experienced corporate manager and administrator and qualified accountant with over 20 years’ experience. She is familiar with reporting requirements for Australian public companies, having previously worked as CFO for GRD Minproc, AMEC Canada and a number of other mining and industrial companies and brings a wealth of practical experience to her role as the Company’s senior corporate officer in Brazil.

Ms Carolina Carvalho

Ms Carolina Carvalho

Manager Legal Affairs, Brazil

Ms Carvalho is an experienced corporate lawyer having spent more than 15 years working with medium and large multi-nationals operating in Brazil. She has worked in mergers and acquisitions, tax planning and strategic business development across a number of industries including mining.